Algorithms, programs, and computing systems. Fundamental techniques of program development and supportive software tools. Programming projects and applications in a structured computer language. Hands-on experience using microcomputers.
This course is a rigorous introduction to problem solving using fundamental programming techniques: variables, operators, expressions, decision statements, loops, nested statements, arrays, methods, objects, classes, inputs, and outputs. This course includes programming projects incorporating algorithm design and implementation with a structured computer language and hands-on experience creating, testing, and debugging software.
This course is typically the first major-related course taken by computer science majors or anyone interested in learning how to program.
The Computer Science Department does not accept ALEKS scores as a prerequisite for CSCI 1301 Introduction to Computing and Programming. Students will need to have established credit for MATH 1113 Pre-calculus or an exemption from MATH 1113 via the UGA Mathematics Exemption Placement Test or the AP exam. ALEKS alone does not provide credit for or exemption from MATH 1113.
The UGA Mathematics Exemption Placement Test is administered by University Testing Services. It is a 26-question test that is used to determine placement in mathematics courses and can only be taken once. Students who score 16 or higher will earn an exemption for MATH 1113 and be able to register for CSCI 1301.
Students may sign up to take the Mathematics Exemption Placement Test at Orientation, or may take it at any time prior to the beginning of classes. For more information about testing visit: and