Incoming UGA students and transfer students:
As an undergraduate student, you should select "Intended Computer Science" as your desired major when you submit the UGA Admission application form. The Computer Science major requires application for students who matriculate in Summer 2021 or later. Your academic advisor will explain this process.
Existing UGA students:
To add Intended CSCI as a major, log into Athena > Student tab > Student & Registration > My Programs.
- Add the new major first, and then delete the old major (unless you plan to double major).
- Always add the “Intended” version of the CSCI major first. A separate application is required for admission to the Computer Science major.
If you are uncertain about switching to the Intended Computer Science major or need help estimating how long it will take you to finish your degree, please contact one of our school's advisors for assistance. Our school's advisors are Pedro "Pete" Escamilla ( and Danielle Bostick (
Intended and Official Computer Science Majors
Intended CS majors
All Intended CSCI majors will be advised by a lower-division advisor in Franklin College’s main advising office, the Office of Academic Advising in 301 Brooks Hall. Your academic advisor’s name and information will appear in SAGE as your “Primary Advisor.”
Official CS majors
You will become an official CS major when you have successfully completed all entrance requirements and have submitted an application to the major.
To be eligible to apply, students must earn a grade of C (2.0) or higher in the following courses: CSCI 1301, CSCI 1302, CSCI 1730, CSCI 2610, CSCI 2670, CSCI 2720, and MATH 2250. Once all entrance requirements are complete, apply to the major by adding the Computer Science major on Athena > Student tab > Student & Registration > My Programs. Your addition will be manually approved, so be patient.
After admission to the official CSCI major, you will meet with a School of Computing advisor for all future advising appointments.
Advising Information for CSCI majors.
If you have questions regarding the CS major designation, please contact the undergraduate coordinator at
Deadlines to Apply to the Full Major
Application Cycle
Application Deadline
Fall Semester
August 31st
Spring Semester
January 31st