Profs. Amit Sheth and John Miller were once again awarded IBM Eclipse Innovation Grant (EIG) (a $27,000 cash gift) for their research related to the METEOR-S project. As part of the IBM Scholars Program, the EIG competition was highly competitive. IBM received over 360 international submissions and selected around 50 proposals for funding in the range of $10,000-$30,000 each. Awardees are selected by a panel of experts from IBM Research and D evelopment, and external reviews of proposals are sought to assist in the selection process. Eclipse is an open-source community that creates technology and an open universal platform for tools integration. Eclipse also offers significant value to researchers and educators, by providing an industrial-strength infrastructure for conducting research and developing curricula in many areas of computer science and computer engineering, with particular relevance to programming languages, development tools, collaboration and programming e nvironments. METEOR-S project has developed tools related to Web Services,Web Processes, and Semantic Web Services that will be offered as plug-ins for Eclipse. Eclipse is also used extensively in the courses taught by Profs. Sheth and Miller. In 2004, Prof. Sheth and Miller were also awarded a $28,000 cash gift from the same program. Tags: Funding News