Wednesday, April 15, 2020
The Board of Regents has approved a new Master of Science in Cybersecurity and Privacy program to be offered at the University of Georgia starting Fall 2020.
Monday, April 6, 2020
A new elective course, CSCI 1300/1300L Introduction to Programming with Python, has recently been approved and will be offered starting in Fall 2020. It is an elective course available to majors and non-majors.
No prior programming experience is required. Python is a language of choice…
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Congratulations to Dr. Jaewoo Lee for receiving a 5-year Career Award from NSF for the proposal titled: "CAREER: Robust Adaptive Optimization Algorithms for Differentially Private Learning."
Friday, February 14, 2020
Congratulations to Dr. Shannon Quinn for receiving a 3-year NSF grant for the proposal titled: "IGE: Toward an Interdisciplinary Blueprint for Open Science Graduate Education."
Friday, January 31, 2020
CS major David DiGioia won third place for his video on knot theory titled, “Can any knot be untied? Intro to knot theory and tricolorability.” This submission is an animation which demonstrates a method of proving that some knots cannot be untied.
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