Sunday, June 23, 2013
Prof. Doshi received a one-year grant from Microsoft Research for his research proposal titled 'Semantic Reconciliation with Disparate Sensor Meta-Data for Automatic Publication'. His was one of the approximately 15% of the total proposals that were selected for funding.
Prof. Doshi (PI) received a two year grant from AFOSR for his project titled "Individual Decision Making in Large-Scale and Uncertain Multiagent Environments". Prof. Doshi will collaborate with Prof. Goodie (Co-PI) of the Psychology Dept., UGA.
National Science Foundation awarded a grant on "SemGrid: Semantic Discovery on Adaptive Services Grid," PI: Amit Sheth, Co-PIs: I.B. Arpinar, K. Kochut, J.A. Miller, Award # IIS 0545243, October 15, 2005 - December 31, 2007, $100,000.
LSDIS lab received $32,000 cash gift from the Athens Heart Center and welcomes it as our newest institutional sponsor.
LSDIS lab is awarded phase II of project "An Ontological Approach to Financial Analysis & Monitoring" (Amit Sheth, PI; Budak Arpinar, Co-PI). UGA component of this phase award from ARDA (with CTA, Inc. as a partner) is $162,500.
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